Communication Southern Style
The Cook |
I've loved to cook
most of my adult life. I was brought up in the South where food is the
most common and effective means of communication. A plate of cookies
brought over to a new neighbor, a cake for someone's special day or a
casserole sent to a family grieving the loss of a loved one...all those
things say "Welcome", "Congratulations!" and "I am so sorry...Bless Your
Hearts". It's what we do because our momma's and our grandma's taught
us that cooking and sharing our food comes from the heart and when words
fail, food does not!
I want to make mention of the grand ladies that influenced me so much as a young cook. My grandma, Mabel Ann Russell George, Aunt Faula Tipton, Aunt Mary Jo Fielder and Barbara McKean who was like my adopted mom.
All of these lovely ladies have gone on to Glory but I pray they would be pleased with my attempt here to share some good food and provide little humor along the way!
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